Prize Tuition: Maths, English and Kent Test Preparation

Blog Post

Time for a watch?

Prize Tuition • May 19, 2017

Time and the National Curriculum

Do you remember getting your first watch? How old were you?

Getting your first watch used to be seen as a milestone in growing up as a child. Nowadays, many people do not wear a watch at all. We have easy access to accurate clocks on our phones, TV, computers and other devices. However, telling the time is still seen as an essential part of the National Curriculum for maths. Calculations using time and timetables are also very common in Key Stage 2.

Time and the National Curriculum

Your child will get help in learning to tell the time at school but will also need your help to practice this and gain confidence in this key skill.

Here are the key points about telling the time from the National Curriculum:

  • Year 1- tell the time to the hour and half past the hour and draw hands on a clock face to show these times.
  • Year 2- tell and write the time to five minutes including quarter to/past the hour and draw the hand on a clock to show these times.
  • Year 3 - tell and write the time from an analogue clock (one with hands)
  • Year 4- read, write and convert time between digital and analogue 12 and 24 hour clocks
  • Year 5- solve problems involving converting units of time

Help your child practise telling the time

Time is a perfect topic of conversation for many daily tasks and events. It is a maths topic that you can practise with your child to help them improve their skills . You can ask your child the following:

  1. What time is it now?
  2. What time are we going to x?
  3. What time will we come back?
  4. How long will we spend there?
  5. How long do you think x will take?
  6. How long did X take you?
  7. If we start this at X time, what time will we finish?
  8. What time does this programme/film/event start? What time does it finish? How long will it take?

Think about getting a watch in Year 2 for your child. It doesn't have to be expensive but it must have hands! Telling the time is a great, practical everyday activity with practical benefits. Your child will benefit greatly if you help them with this.

Let me know how you get on!

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