Prize Tuition: Maths, English and Kent Test Preparation

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What does it mean to know a times table?

Prize Tuition • May 14, 2017

Times tables essential for life

How important are times tables? What does it mean to know a times table?

Being good at times tables is important for understanding fractions and other higher level maths ideas. However, what most people understand by times table may not be the full picture.

Knowing a times table is not just about being able to count up eg 2, 4, 6, 8, 10. 12 . It is about knowing the multipliers, being able to answer questions at random and also knowing the associated division eg 2x4 = 8, 5 divided by 2 =10.

Try getting someone to ask you questions at random to test your knowledge and identify the sums you get stuck on. Many people have a couple they need to think about!

Try the links below for online games to do with times tables:…/7-11-years/times-tables

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